

The Arava'thar are four celestial beings created from the combined essences of Eru and Rul, under the guidance of Ando and Var. These guardians were born to stabilise Erul following Tha’rakos (The Convergence) and to counter the corruptive influence of Va’shural and the Ru'suru. 

Each Arava'thar embodies an essential aspect drawn from the powers of Ando, Var, Eru, and Rul, reflecting the elemental and spiritual forces needed to establish harmony on Erul. In their ultimate sacrifice, known as Tha'ravos, the Arava'thar gave their lives to imprison Va’shural within the Vashira, creating the foundation upon which Erul would thrive.

Vandaril – Lirun of Creation and Genesis

Duranel – Lirun of Preservation and Stability

Tharulith – Lirun of Transformation and Change

Sulmorin – Lirun of Purification and Renewal