The Arava'thar are four celestial beings created from the combined essences of Eru and Rul, under the guidance of Ando and Var. These guardians were born to stabilise Erul following Tha’rakos (The Convergence) and to counter the corruptive influence of Va’shural and the Ru'suru.
Each Arava'thar embodies an essential aspect drawn from the powers of Ando, Var, Eru, and Rul, reflecting the elemental and spiritual forces needed to establish harmony on Erul. In their ultimate sacrifice, known as Tha'ravos, the Arava'thar gave their lives to imprison Va’shural within the Vashira, creating the foundation upon which Erul would thrive.
Vandaril – Lirun of Creation and Genesis
Aspect of Ando: Represents the spark of life and energy of creation, reflecting Ando’s role as the source of light and vitality. Vandaril initiates the birth of elements, setting the stage for life’s cycles to unfold.
Role: Clears initial paths through the Ru’suru, establishing the first safe spaces for life to emerge on Erul.
Duranel – Lirun of Preservation and Stability
Aspect of Var: Embodies the eternal order and stability that Var provides, anchoring Erul’s structural integrity and balance. Duranel maintains the natural harmony essential for the planet’s endurance.
Role: Shields Erul from the encroaching corruption, fortifying regions against the Ru’suru’s destabilizing influence.
Tharulith – Lirun of Transformation and Change
Aspect of Eru: Reflects Eru’s nature of evolution and change, guiding life on Erul to adapt and thrive through transformation. Tharulith enables the cycles of natural progression and renewal.
Role: Transforms corrupted lands into fertile grounds, repurposing the energy of the Ru’suru to support growth and regeneration.
Sulmorin – Lirun of Purification and Renewal
Aspect of Rul: Embodies Rul’s role in cleansing and rebirth, removing corruption to make way for new life. Sulmorin completes the cleansing process, ensuring the planet’s balance.
Role: Dispels the final remnants of the Ru’suru, allowing Erul to enter a state of harmony where new life can flourish.